University of Arkansas REM Student Recognized for Research

The University of Arkansas was granted funds by the NSF to host a Research Experience and Mentoring for local undergraduates to spend 10 weeks at the university doing research and being mentored by Chemical and Biomedical Engineering faculty. One of last year’s summer participants, Kaili Ralston, was recognized for her efforts in research under Dr. Bob Beitle. A reception is being given to honor her acceptance into the program and her work last summer. Kaili was recently accepted into the University of Arkansas as an undergraduate student as well, coming to us from nearby North West Arkansas Community College. Our and NSF’s hope with these summer programs is to give local community college students a chance to get mentored by a professor in a scientific field to see if an undergraduate degree in that field is right for them.


UAF 2024 REU Program-Applications Open


Wickramasinghe Delivers Keynote Lecture at Aseanian Membrane Society Conference