Our Research

Research Areas

  • The MAST Center specializes in developing innovative membranes with unique micro- or nanoscale structures and distinct transport properties for advanced separation processes. By employing advanced surface modification techniques, the center enhances membrane surface properties to achieve fine separations and minimize fouling, a critical factor for commercial viability. Additionally, MAST investigates the fundamentals of membrane transport and fouling through complementary modeling and simulations, utilizing diverse equipment from four partner universities for precise characterization. Key focus areas include the characterization of asymmetric membranes, membrane modeling, and applications in green technologies and food and beverage industries.

  • Membrane-based unit operations are appealing for purifying human therapeutics due to their mild processing conditions and ease of scaling. The MAST Center has extensive expertise in advanced ultrafiltration processes, validating the removal of contaminants like host cell proteins, DNA, and FDA-recommended model virus particles. It also explores membrane separation processes for purifying virus vectors, vaccines, and gene therapies. Additional biopharma applications include microfiltration for perfusion bioreactors, sterilizing buffers and products, ultrafiltration for concentration and buffer exchange, and techniques for optimizing cell harvesting and virus removal while minimizing filter fouling.

  • Water is a valuable resource, making its recovery, recycling, and reuse essential to meet growing societal demands. The MAST Center is exploring emerging membrane technologies for treating produced water from oil and gas operations and wastewaters from food and agriculture. Researchers are developing innovative membranes and processes for direct potable reuse as well as focusing on nutrient recovery from wastewaters. Their work includes monitoring membrane integrity during filtration, creating membranes that remove novel contaminants, developing self-cleaning and anti-fouling materials, modeling scale formation dynamics, and pursuing zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) solutions.

  • Membranes are increasingly being used in non-aqueous phase separations, such as recovering organic solvents, fractionating organic chemicals, and removing contaminants from organic phases. The MAST Center is developing new organic solvent-resistant membranes to support these applications, as well as exploring barrier membranes for protection against chemical warfare agents. Additionally, the center has expertise in membranes for gas phase separations, and is investigating areas such as chemistry within membranes, chemical separation and adsorption, and process optimization to advance these technologies.

  • The Green Technologies focus area emphasizes sustainable practices in membrane manufacturing and applications. This includes using eco-friendly raw materials such as green solvents and biodegradable or UV-degradable polymers for membranes and filtration devices. The aim is to reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional polymers used in the industry. Additionally, the focus extends to employing other green methods in membrane manufacturing. In terms of applications, the focus area explores environmentally friendly uses of membranes, such as carbon capture and the removal of harmful substances like per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).

  • The Food and Beverage focus area centers on membrane technologies such as reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, microfiltration, and ultrafiltration. It encompasses various applications within the industry, including liquids such as juice, beer, wine, and syrups, as well as water used in beverage production. The focus extends to dairy applications such as milk and cheese filtration, lactose and whey separations, and proposes exploring bioactive compound separation from dairy streams. Additionally, it addresses wastewater processing in food and beverage production, highlighting overlaps with water treatment applications.

Research Projects

This year, our Center researchers are working on 18 projects: 7 in membrane fundamentals, 5 in biopharmaceutical processing, 2 each in chemical separations and water purification, and 1 each in food & beverage and green industry. Projects can change annually based on recommendations from our Industry Advisory Board (IAB).

The MAST Center Industry Advisory Board (IAB) selects projects to fund each year. Our Center has run nearly 100 research projects since our inception. Some of these past projects include:

  • Green Chemistry with Coupled Electrolysis and Electrodialysis: Enhancing Selectivity and Conversion

  • Hollow Fiber Membranes for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration (OSNF) and Organic Solvent Reverse Osmosis (OSRO)

  • Nanoparticle Tracking in Virus Filtration Membranes – Implications for Virus Retention Behavior

  • Investigations of Nanofiltration/RO Applications to Remove PFASs: Baseline Performance of Commerical RO Membranes and Novel Chemically Modified Membranes

  • Membrane-Assisted Continuous Manufacturing of Liposomes and Lipid Nanoparticles

  • Understanding Fouling Behavior during Perfusion Operation of Cell Culture Harvesting

  • Membrane Separation of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Nutrients with Downstream recovery as Struvite Fertilizer

  • Single Pass Tangential Flow Filtration: Hydrodynamics and Flux

  • Elucidating the 3D Microstructure of Virus Filtration/Ultrafiltration Membranes using Electron Tomography

  • Combined Electrocoagulation and Reverse Osmosis for Brackish Groundwater Treatment

  • Novel Fouling Resistant Polymeric Membranes Fabricated Using Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition

  • Understanding Virus Prefilters

  • Modeling Tools for Membrane Process

  • Membrane Filtration for Wastewater Treatment

  • Coupled UV-Membrane and Oxidant-Membrane Process for Decreased Biofouling and Enhanced Flux in Water Reclamation Applications

  • Understanding the Performance of Bio Optimal Hollow Fiber Filtration

  • New Real-Time Methodology for Detection of Fouling in Gas Separation Membranes

Projects by Year

*Data from last 5 years only

Projects by Site

*Data from last 5 years only; some projects are multi-site

Projects by Research Area

*Data from last 5 years only

Research Faculty

  • Bob Beitle Jr.

    Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, University of Arkansas



  • Min Zou

    Professor, University of Arkansas



  • Christa Hestekin

    Professor, University of Arkansas



  • Wan Shou

    Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas



  • Jamie Hestekin

    Professor, University of Arkansas



  • John Pellegrino

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • https://www.colorado.edu/retiredfaculty/alan-greenberg

    Alan Greenberg

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Karl Linden

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Steven George

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Dan Schwartz

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Franck Vernerey

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Xiaoyun Ding

    Assistant Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Anthony Straub

    Assistant Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Victor Bright

    Professor, University of Colorado-Boulder



  • Zafar Iqbal

    Professor, NJIT



  • Sagnik Basuray

    Associate Professor, NJIT



  • Wen Zhang

    Professor, NJIT



  • Xiaoyang Xu

    Associate Professor, NJIT



  • Christopher Arges

    Associate Professor, Penn State



  • Enrique Gomez

    Professor, Penn State



  • Bryan Vogt

    Professor, Penn State



  • Hee Jeung Oh

    Assistant Professor, Penn State



  • Xueyi Zhang

    Assistant Professor, Penn State



Students & Research Staff

  • Ronny Horax

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas

    Ph.D. Food Science, University of Arkansas, 2009

    M.S. Food Science, University of Arkansas, 2003

    B.S. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia, 1993

    Research Interests:

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  • Riccardo Lovison

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder

    Undergrad at University of Padova, Italy (07/01/2019), Master at University of Trento, Italy (on-going)

    Research Interests: Polymers, Membrane science, Bio-Materials

  • Yufeng Song

    Post Doc., Department of Chemical Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology

    PhD in Chemical Engineering 2020; MS in Pharmaceutical Engineering 2015

    Research Interests: Membrane modification, interfacial polymerization, proteins purification/separation, Nanocrystals making with membrane, gas separation/absorption/purification, MOF synthesis within the membrane, membrane distillation

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  • Yukai Tomsovic

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder

    B.S. in Materials Science & Engineering-- University of California, Berkeley 2021

    Research Interests: PFAS removal, membrane filtration, wastewater treatment and reuse


  • Wenbo Xu

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arkansas

    B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2019

    Research Interests: Downstream Virus Clearance with Different Purification Techniques: Anion Exchange Chromatography & Low Filtration


  • Xiaolei Hao

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Arkansas

    M.S. Food Science and Technology, Tianjin University of Science and Engineering, China, 2016

    B.S. Food Science and Technology, Hebei Agricultural University, China, 2013

    Research Interests: Bio-Separation by Membrane, Protein/Virus Purification, Functional Membrane Modification


  • Mohammad Areeb Afzal

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

    B.S. & M.S. (Integrated) Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India, 2020

    Research Interests: Downstream processing, Protein Purification, Process development, Virus Filtration


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  • Akshay Chaubal

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

    B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2021

    Research Interests: Gene Therapy, AAV, Continuous Bioprocessing



  • Amir Hossein Mostafavi

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas

    M.S. Separation Processes, Chemical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2019

    B.S. Chemical Engineering, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran, 2016

    Research Interests: Bioreactor Clarification, Process Design, Membrane Filtration for Biomedical Applications, Synthesis and Surface Functionalization of Membranes, Water Treatment

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  • Matthew Billups

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

    M.S. Chemical Engineering, Rutgers University, 2018

    B.S. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, 2016

    Research Interests: Virus Filtration, Membrane Separations, Biologics/Vaccines Purification, Bioprocessing

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  • Cannon Hackett

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas

    Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2022

    B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Missouri, 2017

    Research Interests: Green Chemistry, Membrane Fabrication, Surface Functionalization, Water Purification


  • Aylin Mohammadzadeh

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Chemical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University

    CinnaGen Pharmaceutical company, R&D Expert, 2018-2020

    M.S. Biotechnology & Medicine, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran, 2017

    B.S. Chemical Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2014

    Research Interests: Downstream Processing, Bio-Separation, Monoclonal Antibody (mAb) Purification, Host Cell Protein (HCP) Removal, mAb Formulation and Filling, HPLC, HPCMP



  • Kieran Fung

    Ph.D. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder

    B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Temple University, 2018

    Research Interests: Microfluidics, Membrane Filtration & Fouling, Particle Manipulation, Water Energy Nexus


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