Supplemental Research Programs
As an NSF-supported Center, each of the four MAST research sites has the opportunity to apply for grants aimed at enhancing their research programs. These grants prioritize student support and mentorship, providing valuable hands-on lab research experiences while connecting students with sponsor companies to prepare them for future careers. We are proud to have received numerous supplemental funding opportunities that enable us to engage with a broader community. Below, you can find more details about these NSF-funded programs.
REM: Research Experience and Mentoring
REM activities are designed to enhance the academic and career trajectories of participants who may not otherwise become engaged in a research project. REM participants engage in authentic research projects during the summer and professional development activities through the academic year, working side-by-side with their REM mentors.
MAST sites with active REM programs: University of Arkansas (partnered with AR Upward Bound) & Pennsylvania State University
RET: Research Experiences for Teachers
The Research Experiences for Teachers (RET) in Engineering and Computer Science program offers K-14 educators summer research opportunities to foster collaborations with universities, community colleges, school districts, and industry partners. This initiative facilitates a reciprocal exchange of expertise, allowing educators to deepen their knowledge in engineering or computer science while translating their research into classroom activities to enhance student awareness of these fields. In turn, research faculty gain valuable insights into K-14 educational practices and curricula.
MAST sites with active RET programs: University of Arkansas
START: Skills Training in Advanced Research & Technology
The START program aims to enhance the U.S. scientific and innovation capabilities by fostering a globally competitive and diverse research workforce in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Recognizing that the nation's competitiveness hinges on a prepared STEM workforce, the NSF invests in initiatives that directly support and advance the development of this essential talent pool.
MAST sites with active START programs: University of Arkansas
REU: Research Experiences for Undergraduates
The NSF REU program supports intensive research by undergraduate students in any area of research funded by NSF.
MAST sites with active REU programs: University of Arkansas
INTERN: Non-Academic Research Internships for Graduate Students
The INTERN program equips graduate students with essential professional competencies and skills to enhance their careers across various sectors of the U.S. economy by providing complementary non-academic training, valuable professional development experiences for multiple career pathways, and opportunities that promote the inclusion of diverse talent in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).
MAST sites with active INTERN programs: University of Arkansas & Pennsylvania State University